To have and have not Ernest Hemingway

To have and have not - Ernest Hemingway
Автор: Хемингуэй Эрнест
Издательство: Random House, 2016 г.
Выпускающий редактор: Оплеухин Яков Харлампьевич
Главный художник: Замиховский Калина Дмитриевич
Оформитель: Занятин Савастей Бориславич
Кол-во страниц: 591
Формат: pdf, txt, fb2

Описание к книге "To have and have not"
Harry Morgan was hard - the classic Hemingway hero - rum-running, gun-running and man-running from Cuba to the Florida Keys in the Depression. He ran risks, too, from stray coastguard bullets and sudden double-crosses. But it was the only way he could keep his boat, keep his independence, and keep his belly full...This classic novella was turned into a brilliant film by Howard Hawks - the film in which Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Becall met - and remains an important work by one of the greatest American novelists of the twentieth century. Читать электронную книгу To have and have not Ernest Hemingway.

  • To have and have not Ernest Hemingway

  • To have and have not Ernest Hemingway
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